Sunday, May 20, 2012

5 Rules For A Single Woman Dating Any Man With A Young Daughter(s)

As a woman dating,  knowing there is a love waiting for me and having to go through the ordeal of kissing a lot of frogs before my prince arrives, I have been exposed to a lot of different things. The most recent, Men and their pre-teen daughters.  I have come to realize that it is easier to date a man with a pre-teen son than a man with a pre-teen daughter.
The last 3 men that I have dated have young pre-teen daughters and it appears that they don’t know how to manage their time between the now 3-4 ladies in their lives (mother, baby mama, the woman they are dating and daughter).  This is my advice to any woman who is dating any man with a young daughter.  Listen carefully and it will make your dating life A LOT easier.
If he keeps putting you off and shuts down when his child is around, don’t even waste your time. RULE #1- RUN.  R-U-N.  Any man that is interested in you will MAKE time regardless of the situation and share time with you. How much time is subjective.  But ultimately if you feel like you are being neglected for that daughter and he doesn’t include you (because that child is going nowhere and will ALWAYS be his child) head for the hills,  sooner rather than later.
Here is why.
For a man, if you fight for time or are not compassionate about what unexpected dilemmas happen with raising a girl child, you will be seen in an unfriendly light (they forget that you were once a girl as well, and probably in the same situation, spending single dad time).  IT will be an uphill battle and you probably wont win. Or, you will be on a slippery down hill slope where you can’t stop till you crash at the bottom.  
SO, cut your losses early because this is not a battle you can win without probably being on the verge of death yourself.  What has to happen in hopes of making life easier for the next generation however, is that mothers need to start training their sons and fathers need to start training their daughters, from when they are children on the right way to be in those kinds relationships (by example). 
I am a product of a broken home and I was taught to be very independent by my mom but on the flip side my brothers were catered to in some respects so I have seen it and experienced all the scenarios (my brothers with their daughters, my father with me and my mother with my brothers and my mother with me).  And in my adult life, I have seen a few of these scenarios with a few, not all, of my friends which has given me enough insight for me to make a correlation.  
Parents, you may hate me for this but, THIS is what I have realized.