Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sexing Summer Moments!

Summer is on the way! 

The weather is getting much nicer by the day. 
The outfits are getting more skimpy. 
Everyone is planning fun filled weekend getaways. 
Everyone is looking more sexy. 
Group trips where "whatever can happen", are coming. 
Sexy afterwork and late night parties are being planned. 
And of course, sex is in the air. 

So lets get ready.

I want to make sure that everyone engaging in sexual activities is careful. Knowing your sexual health status and where you can get protection if needed is so vital to a good sex life. I have decided to help my sexually active friends out and make life easy for you all. 

Now, You have no excuses. Wherever you are, state side, you can learn you STD status and get free protection for those sexing summer moments A.K.A engaging in sexul activities. 

Here a some websites I found that are useful to ensure that you are always safe and protected. Use them, pass them along, give me some locations in your area so we can spread the "love".

Find a free STD testing site in your town:

Free condoms

If your in NYC

Also the STD testing center will have free condoms and you local department of health will be able to provide assistance with locating additional free condom distributions centers.

And of course planned parenthood which is countrywide.

Enjoy! Happy sexing!
The Yummygirl '11