Saturday, July 16, 2011

We Going to the Strip Club!-The Art of the Booty Jiggle-AKA Booty Shake

Well this past Friday night was my FIRST strip club experience and I have to say, my imagination was a lot different than what I actually experienced. All this time I thought a REAL strip club was a place for perverted men and homosexual women to go and drink and ‘make it rain’ away all of their sorrows at the expense of an uber sexual exotic dancer who didn’t want to do that line of work, but had no choice.  
That is Definitely not the case.  
Strip clubs are the new (well ‘new’ to me) lounges, with eye candy for the men and women.  It is also a potential date spot and a good place for  social outings.  Is it a good place to meet someone of substance? Probably not. At least it is not my choice of places to get picked up by a man. Mostly because I’d still think that he has perverted tendencies, but that is just me. Still, the strip club has become a good place to socialize for the perverts and not so perverted.
Anyway, it was a girlfriends birthday and I was invited to the festivities so I went. Once I realized that for all these years my imagination had gotten the best of me and I stopped clutching my [imaginary] pearls, I started to really take in the action going on all around me. I was fascinated seeing these ladies doing their "thang" so effortlessly.  It made me realize how vital it is to know the art of the jiggle, better yet, the art of the “booty jiggle” aka the Booty Shake.  
Any jiggle of a woman's body, especially the sexual parts, is mesmerizing.  More so to a man because it is a huge sexual turn on for him.  It reminds men of what they see when having sex, which is the woman's booty jiggling and titties bouncing all over the place.  And men, being of the predatory nature, easily become fixated and aroused by these constant repeated movements especially in an implicit sexual manor.  This arousal happens regardless of who is doing it, ergo, in comes the stripper and the basis for the strip club.  
I myself was mesmerized a few times looking at all the jiggling asses but more so to try and find an answer to the questions that were in my head as to, ‘How do you [the stripper] get your booty to jiggle so much so easily?' and 'I wonder if I can make my booty jiggle like that?'.  I had to find out the answers because clearly I was not doing it right.  My booty jiggle, or lack thereof, was not mesmerizing anyone.  
I needed professional advice.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cheers to a Perfect Dating Summer.

This is the perfect season for dating (Summer) and preparing for the season of romance (Fall).  So to all my 'Daters,' out there, or if you need to understand the art of dating a bit more,  take note of some of these pointers, they may be beneficial.  
(if the link does not pop-up, please hit the refresh button)

Remember to be safe.

The YummyGirl '11

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sexing Summer Moments!

Summer is on the way! 

The weather is getting much nicer by the day. 
The outfits are getting more skimpy. 
Everyone is planning fun filled weekend getaways. 
Everyone is looking more sexy. 
Group trips where "whatever can happen", are coming. 
Sexy afterwork and late night parties are being planned. 
And of course, sex is in the air. 

So lets get ready.

I want to make sure that everyone engaging in sexual activities is careful. Knowing your sexual health status and where you can get protection if needed is so vital to a good sex life. I have decided to help my sexually active friends out and make life easy for you all. 

Now, You have no excuses. Wherever you are, state side, you can learn you STD status and get free protection for those sexing summer moments A.K.A engaging in sexul activities. 

Here a some websites I found that are useful to ensure that you are always safe and protected. Use them, pass them along, give me some locations in your area so we can spread the "love".

Find a free STD testing site in your town:

Free condoms

If your in NYC

Also the STD testing center will have free condoms and you local department of health will be able to provide assistance with locating additional free condom distributions centers.

And of course planned parenthood which is countrywide.

Enjoy! Happy sexing!
The Yummygirl '11

Friday, May 27, 2011

So in LOVE with you!- Ms Jill Scott ft. Anthony Hamilton-official video!

Dominion in NYC hosted the album listening party for Ms Jill Scott's new album entitled "Light of the Son".  She sounded flawless and blessed us with singing about 8 songs off of the new album.

The upcoming album is H-O-T!
And I had a blast that night- (If I told you the story of how that night came to be, you wouldn't believe me. So, all I will say is, thanks to Nhjelah and "Lance" Ms Jill Scott's Road Manager for making it happen) *BIG Smile* Only in NYC!

-Anyway,  I just saw this video and I am way excited that the album is gonna drop one week earlier than first thought.  The album now hits stores  June 21, 2011.  Make sure you support true artistry!

"So in LOVE with you!" is a feel good song and I can't help but to groove when I hear it.
Check out the new video.

Now-just imagine, you and your lover having a moment together dancing to this song, at home, when no one is watching.  Makes you feel good and wanna smile-don't it?

Find things like spontaneously dancing with your lover or doing other things that make you feel good together. It will strengthen the relationship and guarantee you a wonderful and intimate time together.

Better yet- dance together tonight, just because, and watch what happens. *wink-wink*

-YummyGirl '11

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sooo we're dating?

Knowing the status of your relationship will make your sexperience with that person more enjoyable. Everyone has limitations to what they will do sexually depending on their moral character as it pertains to the status of their sexual relationship.

If there is ambiguity in the purpose of the sexual relationship it may lead to tension.  The  biggest sexual stimulator is ones mind and in order to have a wonderful sex life you need to relieve/remove this mental tension/stress to make way for great sex.  One way to do this is to know where one "stands" in the relationship, or the purpose of the sexual relationship. Once you know this it makes it easier to establish what one will or will not do with their sexual partner(s).

I have found that the most confusing relationship label, to know where one "stands", is Dating.  "Dating" seems to have so many layers, and rules and stipulations that it can become very frustrating mentally and emotionally and it can be destabilizing for some, especially those who don't quite know the definitions and rules.  So in an attempt to help you free your mind and become more uninhibited in you sexlife, I am going to try to clarify this relationship label.

First, one must understand, what is a 'DATE'?
Well  in  general a "DATE" is any outing or scheduled time to spend and share, typically between two people. And, for the purposes of this blog, a DATE occurs between two people who are interested or sexually attracted to each other.  People who are attracted to each other typically go on a DATE to see if the respective person is worth pursuing for a more engaging and sexual relationship. But, Going on a DATE or a couple of dates with each other does not necessarily mean that these two people are "DATING".

And "DATING" in it's most basic form is two people that are mutually attracted to each other, who repeatedly schedule time to spend and share exclusively with each other.  For DATING purposes, time spent together is done in order to get to know each other more personally. The intent of getting to know each other more personally is to determine whether a more serious or committed relationship involving monogamous sex, would be the best and next logical step between the two.
Time spent (spending quality time) together is a balanced combination of conversations face to face and on the phone, going out in public, having sex (where appropriate) and spending time together alone.

Quality time (for the purposes of this blog) is time spent with a purpose where, the purpose is getting to know one another on a emotional, spiritual and sexual level in order to determine the next logical step of the relationship.

Be aware that there is no emotional commitment or obligation required when DATING and the person with the least emotional commitment usually rules the relationship.

Though sex being included in a dating relationship is the norm for the 21st century, it is not a requirement.  A couple can be labeled as DATING once they have been on repeated and routine dates with each other within a timely manor. (I'd say weekly dates frequent verbal communication and sex for a minimum of 4-6 weeks would be considered DATING if nothing is discussedit may be earlier if there is a discussion to establish that the two are indeed "DATING")

Now that you know what "DATING" means, make sure you play your position when dating so that you don't look crazy.  And adhering to the following dating rules, will ensure ones sanity.

When "DATING":
1.There should be no expectation of routine time spent (routine meaning multiple times weekly or where you feel comfortable enough not to notice if there is a lack of togetherness). If there is considerable time spent naturally, then wonderful, but that is not required and if you expect it, keep it to yourself.  You cannot get mad if the time spent with you becomes less frequent after a time.
2.When you are dating it is OK to date other people, if you choose not to date other people, then that is on you. But you CANNOT get mad if the person you are dating is dating other people.  That should only be a concern to you if you are looking to move into a more committed or serious relationship. Or to "EXCLUSIVELY DATE" the person.

Now you can, however, be "exclusively dating" someone.  This means that when you feel to spend quality time which will include having sex in this situation, it will be with the person they are "exclusively" dating.  However in order to stay sane in this situation, I would recommend that the "exclusively dating" is mutual.  Then and only then can you ignore rule #2 above.  Still when you are "exclusively dating" there is no required emotional commitment or obligation between the two.

If the information I have provided here does not help and ease your mind, then you need to gain clarification from the person that you are dating.  The best way to go about this is to pose the question:

"Where is this relationship going?" 

This is an open ended question which allows for discussion on the progress, intent and potentially new focus of the present relationship. You can, then pose follow up questions, depending on the direction of the conversation like, "Are we dating?" and "What does that mean?".  Asking the first question FIRST is better than a direct yes/no question which in most cases can make the person being asked the question uncomfortable and defensive because they feel like they are being "put on the spot". 

Once you understand the relationship you are in, then you know what you should do next for your mental and emotional clarity. And if after a time your feelings start to grow and you feel that you want the relationship to eventually progress to a more committed and "exclusive" level, then another conversation needs to be initiated that will discuss the possibility of a stronger, more committed relationship.  Simply ask the FIRST question again.  This will help you know where you stand and know what your next step should be. It is fool proof at any level of your relationship.

Understand these definitions and rules and you should be in a great position to enjoy your sexual life. And again, if there is any confusion on the intent of the relationship please make sure to ask the person you're dating. This information is just a guide to keep you in perspective so that you can focus on good sexual health.

YummyGirl '11 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Milk+ Honey Staring Idris Elba and Debbie Allen

How sexy does this sound Milk + Honey.  Now imagine it as a series on TV. And to top it off it's got some sexy people in there too!  Spread the word.  We need some more series like this on television.  To get them picked up by a TV network they need about 1 million hits/views of this trailer.

Milk+Honey is produced by Idris Elba and others and produced and starring Ms Debbie Allen (She's back baby)! It also stars Lance Gross (Our Family Wedding, "House of Payne"), Faune Chambers (Curious Case of Benjamin Button), Bryce Wilson (Beauty Shop), and newbies Asha KamaliYaani King, Shauntay Hinton, Charles Divins, and Rob Smith.

The series is about Nia, an aspiring actress trying climb the Hollywood 'social ladder' while trying to keep her morals. Harper is a spoiled rich girl on the rise in the agency world. Samirah is an intelligent free spirit and DJ who hates the 'hollywood' life. And there is also unhappy Farrah, a pregnant socialite looking for love in all the wrong places. There lives intertwine in the land that is Hollywood.  See how it unfolds.
View the trailer, pass it on and support black actors!

milk + honey series trailer from brown paper dolls on Vimeo.

The YummyGirl 2011
YummyMan on sale now get you coppy today

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Becoming one with my sexual personality

....At my birthday dinner with my girlfriends I learned something new about myself.  I knew of my sexually tendencies but I never quite understood it or was able to clearly label it until after that birthday dinner.  

A girlfriend of mine schooled a whole table of women, unbeknownst to her, about the different sexual personalities.  I learned that everyone has a sexual personality that they must take on in order to have an orgasm.  All the ladies at the table were focused on understanding this 'new' [to us] aspect of sex, that we have never really discussed, and how it relates to our sexual relationship with our partners.

I learned, that we all fall into one of these three categories:
  • Love Partner, [usually female] Requires an energetic, romantic and emotional connection with their sexual partner. Their emotional sexual intimacy is bond to their partner's intimate actions towards them during sex. There is a lot of eye contact, even during the orgasm, and hugging and kissing.  The sexual connection is validated, for the Love Partner, with the warm caresses, wet lips and hot bodied-ness that comes from the sexual experience with their partner.  This is what gets the Love Partner to Orgasm.
  • Sexual Trancer [usually male] Sexual trance involves an inward focus where each partner focuses on his/her own pleasure and sensations which creates a fulfilling sexual release. The Trancer is tuned out from their partner which is just a vessel to get the Trancer to climax.  Therefore the orgasm basically can happen with any person (This is probably why men can so easily separate out sex as just 'sex'- hmm, go figure...)

    Have you ever notices sometimes just before orgasm your partner, tunes out and you may feel like you were just a "body"?  Hello! Your partner is a Sexual Trancer!
    This made me think about that movie Waiting To Exhale with the Whitney Houston sex scene, lol.  That's why Whitney was looking at her dude, thinking 'Wtf? Is that it?' Granted that scene may have been an extreme scenario but I hope you get the picture. Clearly the sex was not good from the ladies [a.k.a- Love Partner's] point of view.

  • Role Player or Fetishes [not dominated by any one sexual gender] Role playing involves acting out fantasies. Settings and props become important to set the scene. Many couples find this style most difficult. The role playing is usually most successful between two adults.  Maturity is required to act out different roles in sex successfully. And immaturity/inexperience may cause a partner to close down and not fully engage in the role which ultimately ruins the fantasy and the Orgasm. [A.K.A. If you're not an experienced adult, you are not ready for this one!]

I became intrigued and wanting to understand more about these personalities after this discussion over dinner.  So I did a little research for my self and it ALL started to make sense! I have now recently categorized my sexual partners.  And when people ask me sexual questions, realizing these sexual categories/personalities,  I can give more enlightening answers and suggestions. 

Through my research I learned that with these three types of sexual personalities there can be disconnects between partners that will ruin the sexual relationship.  Problems can occur when having sex with someone who has a different sexual personality than your own.  And sex, though exciting at first, with your personality mate, will become predictable after a time.  This is NOT necessarily a bad thing since no one sexual category is better than the other. 

Ultimately, what we need to recognize is that to be a good lover and to have a good and exciting sex life or sexual relationship with your partner, a good lover must know how to 'play' with all 3 sexual personalities but ultimately climaxing in the comfort zone of their sexual personality. [Even Trancers can connect with their partner given/giving the right guidance.] 

Knowing how to play within all three categories makes sex excitingly different every time!   Mature adults are best at recognizing and playing in these categories (you won't get great sex from a young thing.  Maybe some good stamina but that's it!-lol). Mature sexual adults respect, appreciates and are open to all three categories. This results in an exciting and joyful sex life. 

I have identified myself as a sexual trancer and with my current partner, I now understand more what works for us and what we need to do to help make the (s)experience more enjoyable together.

Hopefully identifying your sexual personality and that of your sexual partners will make for more enlightening sex for you both.

Find out your sexual personality score.
Take this quick quiz

TheYummyGirl '11

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sex compliments of a meal.

Those of you who know me know that I am a foodie at heart and obviously,  I love good sex. I thought, why not incorporate some aphrodisiac foods into a dinner and feed it to my valentine! This way I will make a meal that will be delicious and guarantee me sex from my unknown valentine. After dinner I bet the dessert will be well worth it.

If you got any crazy recipes pass them on. I would love to share and try myself.

Here is a list of foods that can be incorporated into almost any meal. Try them out,  you know the saying the way to a mans heart........ we're just giving this man a little help [wink-wink].

The Aphrodisiac list
  • Almond

    A symbol of fertility throughout the ages. The aroma is thought to induce passion in a female. Try serving Marzipan (almond paste) in the shapes of fruits for a special after-dinner treat. 
  • Aniseed

    A very popular aphrodisiac with many culinary uses. It has been used as an aphrodisiac since the Greeks and the Romans, who believed aniseed had special powers. Sucking on the seeds is said to increases your desire.
  • Arugula

    Arugula or "rocket" seed has been documented as an aphrodisiac since the first century A.D.  This ingredient was added to grated orchid bulbs and parsnips and also combined with pine nuts and pistachios. Arugula greens are frequently used in salads and pasta.
  • Asafetida

    Any Indian dried, powedere herb used as a sexual stimulant in Ayurvedic medicine.  The herb has a very strong, garlicy flavor.
  • Asparagus

    Given it's phallic shape, asparagus is frequently enjoyed as an aphrodisiac food.   Feed your lover boiled or steamed spears for a sensuous experience. The Vegetarian Society suggests "eating asparagus for three days for the most powerful affect".
  • Avocado

    The Aztecs called the avocado tree "Ahuacuatl which translated means "testicle tree". The ancients thought the fruit hanging in pairs on the tree resembled the male's testicles. This is a delicious fruit with a sensuous texture. Serve in slices with a small amount of Balsamic vinegar and freshly ground pepper.
  • Bananas

    The banana flower has a marvelous phallic shape and is partially responsible for popularity of the banana as an aphrodisiac food. An Islamic myth tells the tale that after Adam and Eve succumbed to the "Apple" they started covering their "nudity" with banana leaves rather than fig. From a more practical standpoint bananas are rich in potassium and B vitamins, necessities for sex hormone production.
  • Basil (sweet basil)

    Is said to stimulate the sex drive and boost fertility. It is also said to produce a general sense of well being for body and mind. 
  • Broccoli Rabe (And Other Mustard Greens)

    The ground seeds of various plants in the brassica family were believed to increase virility. In the case of broccoli rabe its more likely a myth created to get people to eat this bitter vegetable.
  • Chocolate

    The Aztecs referred to chocolate "nourishment of the Gods". Chocolate contains chemicals thought to effect neurotransmitters in the brain and a related substance to caffeine called theobromine. Chocolate contains more antioxidant (cancer preventing enzymes) than does red wine.  The secret for passion is to combine the two.  Try a glass of Cabernet with a bit of dark chocolate for a sensuous treat or let us temp you with our recipe for Chocolate Espresso Pots de creme.
  • Carrots

    Another good reason to eat carrots--believed to be a stimulant to the male. The phallus shaped carrot has been associated with stimulation since ancient times and was used by early Middle Eastern royalty to aid seduction. High vitamins and beta-carotene. Perhaps a justification for a piece of carrot cake?
  • Coffee

    Caffeine is a well-know stimulant but remember, too much and it becomes a depressant.   Serve small amounts of rich dark coffee in special little demitasse cups.   Coffee stimulates both the body and the mind so partake of a little in preparation for an "all-nighter".
  • Coriander (Cilantro seed)

    The book of The Arabian nights tells a tale of a merchant who had been childless for 40 years and but was cured by a concoction that included coriander. That book is over 1000 years old so the history of coriander as an aphrodisiac dates back far into history. Cilantro was also know to be used as an "appetite" stimulant.
  • Fennel

    In the 1930's fennel was found to be a source of natural plant estrogens. Use of fennel as an aphrodisiac dates back to the Egyptian times where it was used as "libido enhancement".
  • Figs

    An open fig is thought to emulate the female sex organs and traditionally thought of as sexual stimulant. A man breaking open a fig and eating it in front of his lover is a powerful erotic act. Serve fresh Black Mission figs in a cool bowl of water as it is done in Italy and be sure to eat with your fingers!
  • Garlic

    The 'heat' in garlic is said to stir sexual desires. Make sure you and your partner share it together. Garlic has been used for centuries to cure everything from the common cold to heart ailments. This is a good time for moderation. Enjoy a pasta with a lightly garlicky sauce and it and lead up to something spicy in the bedroom later.
  • Ginger

    Ginger root raw, cooked or crystallized is a stimulant to the circulatory system. Perhaps a stir-fry with freshly grated ginger can stir something spicy up in the bedroom later.
  • Honey

    Many medicines in Egyptian times were based on honey including cures for sterility and impotence. Medieval seducers plied their partners with Mead, a fermented drink made from honey. Lovers on their "Honeymoon" drank mead and it was thought to "sweeten" the marriage.
  • Liquorice (licorice)

    The Chinese have used licorice for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The essence of the Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) plan, glycrrhizin, is 50 time sweeter than sugar. Chewing on bits of licorice root is said to enhance love and lust. It is particularly stimulating to woman.
  • Mustard

    Believed to stimulate the sexual glands and increase desire. Prepare a tenderloin roast (filet mignon) for two with a mustard and peppercorn sauce.
  • Nutmeg

    Nutmeg was highly prized by Chinese women as an aphrodisiac. In quantity nutmeg can produce a hallucinogenic effect. A light sprinkling of the spice in a warm pumpkin soup can help spice up your evening.
  • Oysters

    Oysters were documented as a aphrodisiac food by the Romans in the second century A.D as mentioned in a satire by Juvenal. He described the wanton ways of women after ingesting wine and eating "giant oysters". An additional hypotheses is that the oyster resembles the "female" genitals. In reality oysters are a very nutritious and high in protein.
  • Pine Nuts

    Zinc is a key mineral necessary to maintain male potency and pine nuts are rich in zinc. Pine nuts have been used to stimulate the libido as far back as Medieval times. Serve pine nut cookies with a dark espresso for a stimulating dessert.
  • Pineapple

    Rich in vitamin C and and is used in the homeopathic treatment for impotence. Add a spear to a sweet Rum drink for a tasty prelude to an evening of passion.
  • Raspberries and Strawberries

    Perfect foods for hand feeding your lover. "Both invite love and are described in erotic literature as fruit nipples" Both are high in vitamin C and make a sweet light dessert.
  • Truffles

    The Greeks and the Romans considered the rare Truffle to be an aphrodisiac. The musky scent is said to stimulate and sensitize the skin to touch.
  • Vanilla

    The scent and flavor of vanilla is believed to increase lust. According to the Australian Orchid Society, "Old Totonac lore has it that Xanat, the young daughter of the Mexican fertility goddess, loved a Totonac youth. Unable to marry him due to her divine nature, she transformed herself into a plant that would provide pleasure and happiness." Fill tall Champagne glasses to the rim and add a vanilla bean for a heady, bubbly treat.
  • Wine

    A glass or two of wine can greatly enhance a romantic interlude. Wine relaxes and helps to stimulate our senses. Drinking wine can be an erotic experience. Let your eyes feast on the color of the liquid. Caress the glass, savor the taste on your lips. Do remember that excessive alcohol will make you too drowsy for the after-dinner romance. A moderate amount of wine has been said to "arouse" but much more than that amount with have the reverse affect. 

I have the meal.  It's simple and incorporates some items from this list.
Aniseed baked chicken with herb basmati rice and garlic with honey roasted string beans. Yumm yumm good!
Now all I need is the 'Valentine'...... No problem.

Use these foods with caution as certain items may make your partner taste bad for Oral sex. But if you want to do more than just traditional sex and the ingredients are a must for your recipe, make sure that you have oral sex shortly (within a few hours) after the meal.

For more on these foods check out the link: Aphrodisiac Foods

Yummygirl '11

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Woman Should Always End Up On Top

I like being in control. Even if I don't start out on top, I always end up on top. Not only in my career but in my sexual life too. I love it! So for all the ladies who always end up on top, whom I call, with affirmation, the 'Boss' Ladies, check out these on top positions that ensure you will ALWAYS be a winner in the end.

..........So far Hot Hula is my Fav!

-The YummyGirl '11

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Unusual Hot Spots-Erogenous Zones

I remember, dating this guy who would rub his nipples near my face when we first started having sex, [lol].  I would wonder why not just say that you like your nipples sucked? But at that point in my sexual life it didn't make a difference.  I was all about just kissing the lips, sucking the neck and the Pness [period].  I came to realize later that there was more to making him not just cum, but have phenomenal whole body orgasms, which included sucking [his] nipples and other things.

I learned that if you want your man to CUM, then simply pay attention to the usual erogenous zone, His Pness Head. This is the pinnacle of stimulation for a man. The Pness (glans) head is the mushroom shaped mass at the top of a man's Pness. This is the most sensitive part of his body and concentrating on it is the easiest way to get him off. 

BUT, if you want your man to have an ALL OVER ORGASM, [not just cumming] that sends waves of pleasure surging through his entire body, don't forget to pay attention to and incorporate his other erogenous zones, which I call, 'Unusual Hot Spots' into the sexual episode. 

Most men I've been with, hardly say what turns them on in the beginning. Maybe they just don't know or it may simply be a test to see what the woman's working with. Who knows? Anyway, I have decided to eliminate the guess work for the novice.  So in case you are left to figure his 'things' out in the beginning of your sexual relationship, like I have been, you should at least know what areas to explore which will increase his libido and aid in him getting a full body orgasm. Some of these areas he may not even realize that he has.

So, during foreplay and in combination with oral and traditional (vaginal penetration) sex, lick, squeeze, bite, massage or fondle these spots and see what happens!

Erogenous Zones
His Scalp can be very sensitive to stimulation as it is packed with rich nerve endings that respond surprisingly well to touch and since he's probably not expecting you to give any attention to it, surprise him.  Run your fingers through his hair to get him interested. If he has a baldy or an extremely low cut, give him a soothing scalp massage (you can use essential oil). Scalp massages are extremely relaxing and at times extremely seductive.

His Ears are a nerve hothouse which makes them ultra sensitive to your touch. Use your fingers and thumb to massage the outer ears using firm, slow movements.  Use your mouth (tongue and lips) on the earlobes and areas behind the ear. Blow lightly sometimes. Don't be shy about making seductive noises while your mouth lingers there. It's a huge turn-on for most men.

His Lips-Men can easily get aroused from kissing. Lips are sensitive. Explore differing kissing techniques to change things up. The more you kiss the better. Kissing starts his mind fantasizing.  To a man kissing implies there is (probably) more "good stuff" ahead.

His Neck is always a great place to turn your partner on. Suck gently or you'll give hickeys and they are so '80's and out of style.  Make sure your lips are super soft and moist when you kiss his neck.  Slobber kisses are not sexy! Tug and nibble his neck lightly. Pay attention to the areas under/behind the ears as they are extra sensitive to stimulation. Always start off slowly and teasing, as he gets into it, slowly go harder and wilder. It will wake up his sexual beast.

His Nipples are filled with nerve endings and are highly sensitive.  They should be sucked and nibbled on. Make sure to start out slow and work up to harder techniques. Pay attention and communicate as some partners have a lower pain threshold than others.

His Armpits have thousands of nerve endings.  The same area that is ticklish to most can awaken sexual desire as well; depending on the depth and strength of your touch. Make sure to caress sexually (using, fingers, feathers, tongue, etc.) and gently this area and it will turn his attention towards sexual anticipation.

Belly Button (and below)- you ever notice when you message your belly button you want to pee? imagine how you can use that sensation during the height of sex and foreplay.

Small of His Back is full of touch receptors.  Stroking the small of the back elicits that warm and fuzzy feeling. Make sure to caress the small of his back softly in a suggestively seductive way.

Back of knees and inside of elbows the layer of skin covering the inside of the elbows and the back of knees are sensitive to touch. A little caressing of these areas with your fingertips is all you'll need to arouse his interest.

The Perineum (located between the scrotum and the anus) has lots of nerve endings. Gently stroke and fondle this sensitive area of skin and it will gain his undivided attention. You may also want to try vigorously massaging the perineum just before his orgasm; this is known to give many men a rush of pleasure.

The Sacrum (the bone at the base of your spine) use light circular motions here pre and post orgasm. This area is extremely sensitive. Simulating this area is extremely pleasing to most men.

His Anus is very sensitive because of  the large number of nerve endings surrounding it. Gently stroke this area for stimulation to heighten pleasure.

His Inner Thighs don’t get touched much- EVER. It's so close to the Pness any touch by you will suggest the desire or wanting sex which all men love. So every sexual caress you do will feel good.

Use this blueprint wisely. But DON'T explore all of them at same time. You'll seem all over the place like you don't know what you're doing-trust me [lol].  Pay attention to how your partner reacts to different combinations and take it from there.

Be aware, all the erogenous zones listed are tangible but none are as powerful as the mind of your partner. Once you engage his mind into desiring only to have sex with you and how wonderful it will be especially when waiting in anticipation,  you're a winner!

Happy exploring!
-The Yummygirl '11