Thursday, December 16, 2010

yOga and the Big O(rgasm)

I keep hearing that people who practice yoga have great sex and Yoga is something one should practice while in pursuit of the big O(rgasm).  

Why is that? Well I found out that flexibility is the key and Yoga helps to make you more flexible.  Your love muscles (which include your hips, butt, thighs and abdominal muscles, plus your, internal sexual muscles and organs) need to be flexible.  Increased flexibility increases blood flow to your sexual region.  This flexibility helps to make for more pleasurable sex.  It also makes it easier to achieve the Big O(rgasm).  Yay Yoga!

I am not a Yogi but I figure anything that will help to make sex great is something that I want to learn more about or practice.  So, I am thinking of doing the series of Yoga moves called Sun Salutation.  The Sun Salutation is easy to practice, not to mention, I read that the Sun Salutation, when combined with cued breathing,  works all major muscle groups and it also increases circulation and invigorates the love muscles.  Bingo! That is exactly what I am looking for!

For the best affects of the Sun Salutation:

1. Start making this series of poses a part of your routine at least on the day you plan on having sex.
2. Make sure to perform this series for each side (the right and the left side) of your body.
3. The best time to do this is in the morning (but I think anytime is better than no time).

Let's see how this works.

Sun Salutation

YummyGirl '10